How to Increase Female Sensitivity Naturally

Sexual desire can come — and go — in waves. Not being in the mood can be a common affliction when you are living the wrong lifestyle, not eating properly, or suffering from high levels of stress. This can be rather distressing for many women, who would prefer to be more in touch with their bodies and their sexual needs. Sexual libido and sensitivity do not exist in a vacuum, however, and can be trained and nurtured over time. If you are looking for a way to counter low libido in women and up your sexual game, then you are in the right place, as this guide has been created to outline a whole series of simple tips to get back on that saddle. Read on to learn more about how to increase female sensitivity naturally.

This guide will cover:

Causes of Low Libido in Women

A lack of libido can be caused by a series of interlocking and complicated factors. It is likely that, if you are suffering from low libido and sensitivity, there is more than one reason involved. Some of the causes of low libido in women can include:

  • Lack of satisfaction from sex with your partner
  • Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety
  • Physical conditions such as disability or fatigue
  • Lack of proper sleep
  • Irregular diet or over-eating
  • Complications from surgery
  • Hormonal changes such as giving birth or menopause
  • Sexual trauma and negative sexual experiences
  • Side effects of medication, including SSRIs and the pill
  • Too much drinking or drug intake
  • Low self-esteem
  • Financial, work-based, or housing worries
  • Poor body image
  • Relationship issues, including unresolved conflicts, over-familiarity, trust issues, or poor emotional connection
  • Pain or discomfort during sex

If you feel that you are suffering more than one or two of the issues stated above, then it might feel overwhelming to make a positive change in the future. Nonetheless, you’d be surprised by how just adopting a few simple steps can already push your sex life in the right direction. Read on to learn about some of the techniques that you can adopt to improve your libido right away.

Reduce Stress

Whether it’s work, relationships, or general life-related stresses, you may feel like the stresses of everyday existence are simply too much to handle. These stresses can pile up on top of each other and make the idea of initiating or being receptive to sex impossible. If you find this stress affecting your sex life there are many simple ways to reduce stress and make yourself more naturally in the mood when the chance for sex does occur. Simple ways to reduce stress include:

  • Regular exercise
  • Eating healthy
  • Avoiding unhealthy habits
  • Meditating
  • Remembering to laugh and have fun
  • Connecting with your partner and other important people in your life
  • Keeping a journal
  • Listening to music
  • Playing video games
  • Masturbating
  • Therapy

You might be stressed out by the pressure to have sex regularly as well. That’s why it might be easier to simply schedule sex at least once a week. This would track with the 28% of Americans over 45 who report having had sexual intercourse in the last week, with 40% having it at least once a month1. If you are also feeling stressed about when to have sex, it’s best to do it on a day when you might not have any tasks, such as Sunday — which coincidentally, at least according to a report by Business Insider, is the most popular day to have sex2!


Close your eyes, sit back, relax. Let the sexual awakening begin. It might seem like a new age cliché, but the research is out and it’s been proven that experienced female meditators report better sex lives and satisfaction than women who do not meditate3. Meditation might seem like an arcane art, but getting started is actually pretty simple. Follow these key steps:

  1. Find a great place to sit
  2. Make sure you’re upright and comfortable
  3. Close your eyes slowly
  4. Take deep breaths in and out
  5. Scan your body and be aware of your sensations
  6. Be conscious of your thoughts
  7. Stay focused by being mindful of your breathing
  8. Open your eyes when you feel like it’s over

If you are still unsure about how to start meditating, then you can always load up a video on YouTube. Simply put your headphones in and follow the instructions. If trying to meditate online doesn’t work for you, then it’s never a bad idea to attend a local meditation class. As an added bonus: you might lock eyes with that special person during one of your sessions…

Get Enough Sleep

The science has spoken and it has been established that there is a clear link between sexual dysfunction and sleep disorders4. In many ways, good sleep can be the secret source for mental and physical problems, so it makes natural sense that when you sleep well, not only will your general mood improve, but you might find yourself feeling more sexually in touch as well.

  1. Reserve the bed only for sex and sleeping
  2. Reduce screen time before bed
  3. Become more active with regular exercise
  4. Avoid eating, and drinking caffeine or alcohol before bed
  5. Have a consistent bedtime

Additionally, while it might be tempting to sleep in on the weekend, especially if you have had a hectic week, this can actually make things worse as it disrupts your regular rhythm. Try and get up — and go to bed — at the same time each day to get into a regular rhythm on both weekends and weekdays.

Consume Fruits and Herbs

After a few tips that perhaps didn’t seem all that enjoyable, we now come to something that is fun and easy to do. Fruits and herbs are natural aphrodisiacs for women and are recommended by doctors as an easy way to quickly get yourself in the mood. The types of fruit and herbs that you should be regularly ingesting as part of a hot and horny diet include:

  1. Bananas
  2. Figs
  3. Avocados
  4. Basil
  5. Garlic

The best part about the herbs at the bottom of the list? They may also help your man maintain stronger erections. Eat healthy food together for the best possible combined sex life. The same goes for what you don’t eat as well. If you are over-eating or eating heavily processed food with lots of carbs, this can contribute to obesity, which has been linked with low sexual desire in women.

Don’t Eat Too Much Chocolate

The links between sex and chocolate are so well-assumed that they even made a Juliette Binoche-starring movie about it: Chocolat (2000)! In this film, a woman with a chocolatarie manages to seduce an entire village with just the power of the magic foodstuff! Unfortunately, studies show that regular consumption of chocolate can actually have the opposite effect5. With that said, there might be a small psychological link between the mental benefits of chocolate in small portions and sexual wellness, so don’t deprive yourself if you’re craving a small bar.

Reduce the Consumption of Alcohol

While it is certainly true that a few drinks on a night out might make you more open to sex and willing to try new things, sustained alcohol consumption has an adverse effect on your overall sexual wellness6. In fact, consuming large amounts of alcohol can cause decreased sexual satisfaction, less stimulation, vaginal dryness, and pain, as well as the inability to orgasm. According to the CDC, women should only have one drink a day7, with no alcohol at all better than overdoing it. If you are looking for ways to cut down on drinking, follow these key tips:

  1. Keep track of your drinking habits
  2. Schedule days with no drinking
  3. Try fun non-alcoholic drinks like a mocktail
  4. Schedule events with friends that don’t include drinking
  5. Find friends to support you
  6. Use smaller glasses
  7. Have a realistic plan and stick with it
  8. Don’t buy alcohol in large quantities at home
  9. Switch between alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks

This advice is to cut down on drinking, not eradicate it entirely. Naturally, if you feel like your drinking is not just above average, but impacting every single aspect of your life, then you might be an alcoholic. In this case, it’s worth seeking professional help as well as joining a local Alcoholics Anonymous mission.


There is an ever-growing body of evidence that suggests that good exercise is linked to sexual arousal8. More specifically, scientists have shown that there is a clear link between cardiovascular health and willingness to have sex. On the flip side, women who are regularly inactive and/or obese are more likely to suffer from decreased sexual desire. Exercises that women can engage in to boost their libido (and make for better sexual performance) include:

  1. Kegels
  2. Pelvic Floor Exercises
  3. Squats
  4. The Plank
  5. Push Ups
  6. Lunges
  7. Yoga
  8. Running
  9. Hip Thrusts
  10. Swimming

It might seem rather overwhelming if you haven’t exercised in a while, but just a moderate amount of exercise a day can make a massive difference. Perhaps if your partner is also suffering from low libido or just general ill health, you can try and exercise together! By focusing together on a shared task, as well as boosting your endorphins at the same time, it might be likely that once you’ve showered off the sweat, you want to get all hot and bothered again together in bed.

Schedule a Date Night with Your Partner

When you are living day-to-day with your partner, watching them annoy you in a variety of different ways — not cleaning up after themselves, making irritating noises, or being obtuse about certain subjects — or fail to provide the exact kind of life you had envisioned for the both of you, it can be natural to feel a decrease in sexual desire for them. But, unless you are suffering from serious relationship issues, there was a reason you fell for them in the first place. Perhaps the reason was sex itself, but now you are finding it hard to rekindle the same magic that you enjoyed when younger.

There is no reason to stress over these developments. They are pretty normal in most relationships. The trick is to try and rediscover what you loved about them in the first place. One way to get that mojo back is by scheduling a date night with your partner. It can be something as simple as a great meal together, or watching a movie in your local cinema.

If you feel like a date night isn’t enough, then why not plan a holiday? By going away to a different country together and getting into a different rhythm — and by having someone else clean for you — you might find yourself naturally drifting to sexy thoughts. Just make sure to book a hotel room or apartment with a nice and comfortable bed and air conditioning, otherwise, sex can fall off the table fast!

Keep Your Bedroom Clean

It might seem like a simple thing, but the environment around you can have a profound effect on the way that you see the world and the way that you see yourself. If you live in a messy apartment or house, this can make having sex feel like the last thing on your mind. That’s why it’s a great idea to regularly clean your bedroom and make it nice; the kind of place that you want to have sex in on a regular basis. You don’t have to do it alone: ask your partner to help you sweep the floors, clean the rugs, and replace the bed sheets so they are crisp and fresh. Then you can lie down in a warm and clean bed together and enjoy making it messy again. If you don’t have the time to clean your house on your own, then this might be the time to invest some money in a dedicated cleaner to come in once a week and clean your bedroom.

Send the Kids Away

When balancing your own personal needs and the needs of your children, it is normal and natural to prioritize the emotions of your children first. But this is something that can get in the way of enjoying sex with your partner. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to ask your own parents to take the children for a while or even to hire a babysitter and rent a hotel room for the night. By not having to worry about the children for just a few hours, you can set the lights down low, light some candles, and enjoy a whole world of intimacy with your partner. If you are a single mother, then it might also make sense to stay over with your new partner instead of welcoming them into your own house, at least for the first few sessions!

What Increases Libido Immediately?

You might have scheduled sex tomorrow, or you have a big night out and want to meet that perfect stranger for a night of endless fun. The problem is: you’re still not in the mood. You might be wondering if there’s a way to increase your sex drive immediately or if there are natural aphrodisiacs for women that you can use. Thankfully for you, there are a variety of ways out there that you will be able to instantly boost your willingness to do it. Read our suggestions for boosting low libido in women immediately:

  1. Add lube into your life
  2. Go on a fun and spicy date with your partner
  3. Engage your deepest fantasies by reading an erotic novel or watching porn
  4. Take a long and deep sleep
  5. Share a shower or bath with your partner
  6. Ask for a long and sensuous massage
  7. Have a bout of quick and vigorous exercise
  8. Take a vacation to a new and exciting place
  9. Have sex with a new and mysterious person
  10. Masturbate in advance while thinking about what you are going to do later
  11. Buy and use sex toys in your sessions

It’s worth pointing out that, while these techniques can certainly work in certain cases, the best way to maintain a long-lasting and active sex life is by consistently making the repeated changes that you need over a period of time. It might take a lot of work, but the overall changes to your sex life will be so, so good!

Perhaps an additional and highly novel way of increasing your libido in a short-ish time span is by becoming pregnant. Studies suggest that desire increases in the second trimester10. Learn more about why are pregnant women so horny here!

When to Seek Professional Health?

This guide has been created to try and give you the full overview when it comes to boosting your sexual libido and natural feminine sensitivity. It’s likely that, hiding behind your tired and stressed-out body, there is a sexual goddess simply waiting to be unleashed. Nonetheless, you might find that after trying all of these techniques, your libido is still waning. If it is a small issue, it might make sense to go visit a trusted family member or friend that you can confide in. Many women go through the same issues, so having a network that you can rely on during this time is absolutely crucial.

Nonetheless, there are times when it might make sense to seek the services of someone especially licensed to deal with sexual issues. For example, if you find yourself suffering from persistent vaginal pain or dryness, then it might be time to seek out the services of a dedicated gynecologist. This need for professional help is also true for mental issues. If you are suffering from trauma, shame, or depression, then there is no shame in seeking out the services of a dedicated licensed therapist.


When you have been suffering from a lack of sexual desire for a long time, you might feel like you can never (quite literally) get back on the horse again. But just as sexual desire can seem to go in waves, it can also come back in a satisfying and exciting rush. The important part is not to wait and see when your sexual life will change, but to make active changes to boost your low libido and increase your sexual sensitivity. It’s likely that you don’t have to implement all of the changes at once — as that might be rather overwhelming — but by simply making one or two changes, you might immediately notice the difference. Considering the untold sexual benefits that come with a high libido, why not start by implementing one of these suggestions today?


  1. Kinsey Institute, Undated, FAQs & Sex Information
  2. Business Insider, 2014, The Most Popular Times To Have Sex, And Other Fun Facts About Making Whoopee
  3. National Institute of Health, 2018, Sexual Functioning in Experienced Meditators
  4. National Institute of Health, 2023, Association between sexual function in women and sleep quality
  5. National Institute of Health, 2021, Chocolate Consumption and Sex-Interest
  6. National Institute of Health, 2023, The risk of sexual dysfunction associated with alcohol consumption in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  7. CDC, 2022, Alcohol and Public Health, Frequently Asked Questions
  8. National Institute of Health, 2018, An investigation of the relationship between physical fitness, self-concept, and sexual functioning
  9. National Institute of Health, 2023, Flibanserin
  10. National Institute of Health, 2023, Influence of Pregnancy on Sexual Desire in Pregnant Women and Their Partners: Systematic Review

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