The lights are laid low, the candles are lit, and you are both horny and ready to get down to business. Perhaps it’s been a while and you are more than just a little excited. Maybe you are very excited. But. Wait! Have you got your protection? Where have you stored it? Is it safe to use? In this context, knowing where to store condoms is essential.
If you’re looking for worry-free sexual intercourse, whether with your long-term partner or with a new lover, then storing your condoms properly is absolutely crucial. This guide will help to outline the ins and outs of condom storage, the best circumstances to keep them in, where to hide them, and the worst places to put them. Read on now to learn all about it.
We will cover:
- Why Does Condom Storage Matter?
- What Circumstances Are Best for Keeping Condoms?
- Where to Hide Condoms
- Where Not to Keep Condoms?
- Summary
Why Does Condom Storage Matter?
Condoms are an essential tool for having and enjoying safe sex, specifically designed to protect against unwanted pregnancy and STDs. In fact, condoms are the only form of protection available on the market that protects against both pregnancy and STDs simultaneously, making their usage absolutely essential. It is worth bearing in mind however, that if the condom is broken or damaged in any way, this can actually significantly reduce your chances of protection, not to mention killing any chance of sex with a prospective partner. Do not use the condom if it is:
- Past the expiry date
- Discolored
- Leaking lubricant
- Having holes or tears
- Dry, stiff, or sticky
- Having a foul odor
- Having an air bubble
If you are concerned about the expiry date of your condom, you can find it either on the side of the packaging or on the condom wrapper itself. It is usually expressed as the year following the month. The expiry date might also be a moot point if the condoms themselves are exposed to unwanted elements or is damaged in any way, which we will explore in detail below. The rest of this guide will be dedicated to the best ways to store condoms to keep them safe and away from unwanted prying eyes.
What Circumstances Are Best for Keeping Condoms?
If you want to keep your condoms safe while extending their shelf life, then choosing the right condom storage location correctly is crucial. They should be stored in a cold and dry place away from direct sunlight. Additionally, the place where you keep your condom should be self-contained, meaning that it is kept away from unwanted elements such as moisture and heat. What’s also crucial is to keep them in place at a temperature under 104 degrees, otherwise the condoms could warp. Therefore, when you are thinking about where to store condoms, keep them in a place that is not only discreet but also safe!
Where to Hide Condoms?
There are two things you have to keep in mind when it comes to learning about where to store condoms. While you want to keep them in a place where no one else can find them, whether that’s children, your parents, or even your flatmates, you want to make sure that they are close at hand so you can finally use them when it is time to get down to business.
If you are wondering where is the best place to store condoms, a list of ideal places of where to hide condoms are:
- Inside a purse at the top of your closet
- In a lockable case
- In a locked bedside drawer
- In a box in the cupboard
- In your filing cabinet
- In a small tin coin
- In an underwear drawer
- Inside a sock
- Inside hollowed-out books
- Among your work things
Try experimenting with different storage techniques to find the most convenient option for you. Additionally, make sure you always have more than one condom in hand in case of any mishaps! If your condom breaks and you feel like you have one that is the wrong fit, then check out our condom size guide today!
Where Not to Keep Condoms?
When keeping condoms safe, there are two essential criteria that you need to keep in mind. Condoms should not be exposed to certain elements that can degrade them and cause them to become brittle — even stop working. This is because if the condom stops working, then this can greatly increase the risk of you and your partner becoming pregnant or contracting an unwanted STD. The types of elements and places that you need to avoid are:
- Fluorescent lights
- Electric motors
- Chemicals of any sort
- The inside of your wallet
- In direct sunlight
- In moist conditions
- Inside your car
- Warm bathrooms
- Near cooking materials
- In your pocket
Additionally, you certainly need to make sure that no one finds your condoms if you do not want them to. This is especially true if you have children — or snoopy parents! This is why it is important not to put your condoms near toys, books, the TV, food, or clothes!
Think of a spot no one would look at, but also one close by the bed, for when the magic starts! For example, you can hide it in a special box underneath the bed, or in a locked drawer on the side.
This guide was created with the express aim of informing you about where to store condoms and how to do it safely and securely, without anybody finding them! This might seem like a lot of information for you to take in at once, but the basics behind this are rather simple: keep it secret, keep it safe.
You might also be worried about the ongoing degradation of your condoms and their reduced effectiveness, but it is actually worth bearing in mind that they are actually incredibly resilient, meaning that it is unlikely that they will break even if you happen to store them incorrectly. With that said, it is definitely better to be safe than story. That’s why it is still worth maximizing their effectiveness by storing them in a cool and dry dark place, and away from sunlight, prying eyes, yet close enough to put on when it is time for you to finally have sex!