How To Plan An Intimate Evening With Your Partner

Bump up the romance with an at-home date night…

Coming home to find out that your partner filled your house with roses and candlelight would instantly put pretty much anyone in the mood – unless you just had the busiest day at work and all you want to do is put your hair up, sweatpants on, and veg out to your favorite TV series.

While spontaneity is a great way to pamper and be pampered, planning an intimate evening in advance is often a better option because it sets the expectation for the romantic evening to come. A special evening doesn’t need to be a shock to be exhilarating; in fact, planning the night together is often all you will need to create the ultimate romantic night.

Here’s how to turn an evening at home into an intimate date night:


Spontaneity is great in theory, but plans leave little room for error. For instance, if your partner doesn’t know about your special surprise, they may end up working late or going to dinner with friends instead.

Look over your calendars and find a night where both of you are free. If you want to keep an element of surprise, keep what you’ve planned a secret!


Depending on your mood and preferences, you may consider a whimsical theme for your intimate evening. For example, you might evoke a Moroccan motif by stringing up lanterns, serving dinner in a tagine and sitting on pillows around your coffee table for a candlelit meal.

If DIY isn’t your thing, rent a room at a local upscale hotel – weeknight rates are always cheaper – and imagine you’re on vacation! Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be filled with anticipation as you dream up your night together.


Decide what activities you want to include in your intimate evening. You could cook together, watch a movie you both love, play a game, orchestrate a wine tasting, look through old pictures or try painting portraits of each other. Even dial up the fun by choosing activities with a playful, intimate twist. For example, try a game of strip poker or a grown-up version of truth or dare.


Once you’ve determined what the plan is, any décor you’d like to incorporate, and any other romantic details, prep for the evening by taking a relaxing shower or bath, applying your favorite lotion or perfume, and wearing an outfit you love and makes you feel confident. Think of your preparation as a way of getting yourself in the mood mentally for the evening ahead.


Even the most carefully orchestrated evenings may have a couple hiccups. Maybe the chocolate soufflé didn’t quite puff up or perhaps you spilled wine on your new outfit; it happens! Allow yourself to revel in the details – and your partner’s company – during your intimate evening. If it’s not quite perfect or doesn’t exactly follow the plan, don’t sweat it. In fact, tiny mishaps just may make the evening more memorable and fun!

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